TOP101 discussion: How Knowing Your Business Value Can Drive Further Value Creation

On January 25, 2023, TOP101 creators - Prudentia and Nasdaq Riga in collaboration with the Stockholm Schools of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga) organized the TOP101 Panel Discussion How Knowing Your Business Value Can Drive Further Value Creation. During the panel discussion industry experts shared their insights and experiences on the importance of understanding how knowing your business value can drive further value creation. The panelists provided valuable perspectives and offered actionable takeaways that can be applied to the business or career. Understanding your business value is essential for success in today's competitive marketplace.

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2024. gada Baltijas vērtīgāko uzņēmumu TOP 30 augšgalā – Lietuvas uzņēmumu trio, ir mainījies līderis

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TOP101 paneļdiskusija: Dzinuļi un izaicinājumi IPO un M&A darījumiem.

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Trīs Lietuvā bāzēti uzņēmumi ieņem Baltijas TOP 30 vērtīgāko uzņēmumu augšgalu

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